Sunday, January 19, 2014

Angry Birds Star Wars 2

Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Cover, Poster

Angry Birds Star Wars 2 - System Requirements

Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
1 GHz Processor
256 MB RAM
100 MB Hard Disk Space
64 MB Video Card
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 7.0
Keyboard & Mouse
Click Here To Read Full System Requirements

Game Screenshots:

Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Screenshots
Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Screenshots
Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Screenshots


Download PC Games on Check Games 4U
Angry Birds Star Wars II is a puzzle video game, a crossover between Star Wars and the Angry Birds series, that was released on September 18, 2013. The game is the seventh Angry Birds game developed by Rovio Entertainment. The game is a sequel to Angry Birds Star Wars and is based on the Star Wars prequel trilogy. You can earn up to three stars for each level, the same as other Angry Birds games. Players can play as either on the Bird Side, as the birds to defeat the pigs, or can play as on the Pork Side, as the pigs to defeat the birds. The game features over 30 playable characters. The game differs from the other Angry Birds games because you can summon a specific bird/pig instead of the pre-determined selection. This summoning can be done to replace each bird/pig.
Information From: Wikipedia

How To Download and Install Game?
  1. Click on Blink word "Click Here To Download" and download game.
  2. Extract the file using Winrar. (Download Winrar)
  3. Install game from Angry Birds Star Wars II 1.0.0.exe
  4. Copy crack  - Angry Birds All [UniCrack Offline] v1.3.exe to the game folder
  5. Run Angry Birds All [UniCrack Offline] v1.3.exe, click patch and select AngryBirdsStarWarsII.exe.
  6. Run game, go to "Get full version" and enter key ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP Enjoy!

Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Free Download Full Version PC Game

File Size: 66 MB
Password is:

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12:50 AM


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